Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Pentax mirrorless on: ' we never exclude nothing '

Pentax U.S. said it hasn't ruled out introducing a mirrorless interchangeable lens camera. Chris Pound, Product Manager, Digital Imaging Systems said: "If a product is economically reasonable and feasible, will come with it".

Talking about the current crop of ILCs mirrorless, Sterling told us ' Personally I would be very interested in that product '. Pound emphasized that Pentax is ' very in tune with what is happening in the market ' and talking about the current gap between the Pentax compact digital cameras and its entry-level DSLRs, commented ' I would love to see a Pentax product [there] '.

Talking about the K-5, Pentax's current flagship DSLR, Sterling told us that the reaction from consumers was "very positive". When questioned the price of the camera to the introduction, Pound admitted that he had some initial concerns about higher prices of the previous series K DSLRs K-5: ' we were a little worried about how customers would respond, but after seeing the performance of the camera we were less worried about, and we found that customers are responding very well to the quality of the product?

Although he refused to be drawn about future plans, pound said that Pentax is committed to having at least a midrange and a high-end DSLR on the market at any given time.

When asked what Pentax was input into the design of the sensor (Sony-constructed) in K-5 Pound, he explained: ' we had less input compared to the previous generation, where we worked with Samsung 's. He went on: ' Sony controlled development [of the new sensor] but have a very good history of this type of design and has proved very effective in K-5. It's nice to see us go with a good camera. '

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